Hey there! I'm Jade, the colorful writer and Jfashion enthusiast behind Jadedisland. As a Maryland native, I've been a pink magical girl ever since I can remember. With a B.S. in English Literature and Psychology, I believe that no one is perfect, and that's what makes our stories interesting. I've been writing for as long as I can remember, and my passion for storytelling and authenticity has driven me to create Jadedisland.

My writing is all about amplifying the voices of Black Femmes, exploring Kawaii lifestyles, and creating compelling narratives through creative writing. I believe that our stories can change the world, and I'm dedicated to creating content that resonates with people on a deep emotional level. Whether it's through my blog, my social media content, or my personal journey as an author, I'm committed to creating a safe and supportive community where we can explore these themes together.

So, if you're looking for a creative professional who's passionate about using words to inspire change and create brave spaces, you've come to the right place. Let's explore the power of storytelling together!

Her work can be found at www.jadedisland.com & on social media @Jadedisland

Join her Kofi to be an exclusive member of her pink writing community.

Connect with Jadedisland

Jadedisland is a content creator and writer focusing on lifestyle, culture, and personal development.